Roadblocks You’ll Face if Your Brand Design Isn't Based on Strategy

One of the biggest mistakes that I see business owners making is that they design their brand, simply based on their own personal liking and aesthetic without considering what is going to attract their ideal audience.

Even more common, I often see entrepreneurs create brand identity systems without doing any prior market research (of naming both their business and their product) in order to make sure that what they’re offering is unique and doesn’t already exist online.

Maybe you don’t know someone in your town or within your network offering your niche product or service, but when you’re first starting out, the likelihood that there’s someone else using similar design or wording, or both, to sell something similar to you is very probable.

And if you do know that your brand's name and design aesthetic is ‘unique’ that doesn’t guarantee the design is built to last.

Strategic design acts as the foundation for your brand's legacy.

That said, your can't expect your design elements shouldn’t be expected to last you a hundred years while staying ‘on trend’.

Strategic design builds a foundation and only requires slight pivots as needed every couple of years, as your brand grows and evolves.

Strategy asks the big picture questions about your mission, your values, the lifestyle that you want your brand to help you create.

Without this, you’re setting yourself up for a brand that is not sustainable for you to maintain.

That said, there is so much value in testing designs and seeing fresh start-ups as guinea pigs. The pendulum can swing in the complete opposite direction in that young entrepreneurs might make the mistake of investing too much in design too early on before they even know if their value proposition is proven to be profitable.

The way design creates a direct return on its investment is directly correlated to the amount of strategy that is put into it, at any stage of a business’s growth.

Want to work with me on your brand strategy visit to get started!


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